I had my 20 week appointment last Thursday with Dr. Gaines. Everything looked good -- he was able to find her heartbeat right away. We discussed how I'm not feeling her as much as I did with Natalie. If I'm not feeling her within 2 weeks, I can call in to get another ultrasound just to be sure my placenta isn't blocking her kicks etc. I am starting to feel her a little bit more (maybe every few days) but I may still go in for the extra ultrasound if she doesn't pick up more -- just for the added reassurance that all is good.
We also discussed my VBAC vs. c-section options. As I expected from him, he's more for going straight for a c-section mostly because my last c-section was not due to fetal distress (which would be dependent on the baby) but rather my body not laboring on it's own. I'm still planning to wait and see how things are going come 37-38 weeks.
I'm starting to get sore hips at night sleeping (so it begins!). I have to keep rolling over periodically throughout the night. I expect this to only get worse here on out.
My belly is starting to feel harder with my uterus up much higher.
Our baby girl is about the size of a large banana right now. She probably weighs around 10.5 ounces by now. Baby's legs have grown longer and are now in the proper proportion to the rest of his body. Our baby can now swallow and has started swallowing amniotic fluid.