We had wanted our children to be close in age -- between 18 and 24 months apart. Looks like Natalie and our next little one will be 18 months apart. Right now, my due date is December 3, 2009 - day after my nephew, Hayden's, 5th birthday, but I think it will be pushed out a week after my first ultra-sound. I had been testing since cycle day 28. If I was back to my normal 28 day cycle, I should have gotten a positive test result much sooner than I did. Instead, I didn't get a positive until CD 38 which more than likely means my cycle was still irregular from breastfeeding and I probably didn't ovulate until CD 21 or so. Typical EDD (estimate due dates) are based on a regular 28 day cycle with ovulation occurring around day 14 or so. I'm expecting that the u/s will show the baby to be smaller than the calculated EDD would imply due to ovulating later (and thus, conceiving later). It doesn't look like I'll be getting in for my first u/s appointment until around 8-9 weeks. Things work a little different here at the NC office I go to than in NYC. Based on a December 3rd EDD, I am 5 weeks 3 days today.
So far my only "symptom" has been the achy abdominal feeling I had when I was pregnant with Natalie. And I also had implantation spotting around CD 35. I'm hopeful that I have a laid back pregnancy again like I did with Natalie, minus the itchy skin rash.
We told our parents, Kendra and Hayden over the webcam again. This time, we had Natalie put on a shirt that says "I'm going to be a Big Sister". I also told my brother over the phone (we need to get him a webcam). They were all pretty excited.
Yay, congratulations!