Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 10

I'm roughly 25% of the way done! This week marks the beginning of the fetal period, which lasts until birth. Our baby's body systems, such as circulatory, nervous, reproductive and digestive, are fully formed during this time. His/her heart is beating approximately 160-170 beats per minute. Our little one is now the size of a small plum and weighs less then 1/2 ounce, or 4 paper clips.

Our baby will become much more active then before, but unfortunately, his/her movements are still too small for me to notice. Our baby will be moving his/her arms and legs, which can be seen on an ultrasound. The baby's joints are fully formed, as are his/her tiny hands, feet, fingers and toes. At this age, our baby would be able to grab an object, if it were placed in his/her hand. Our baby's eyes are open most of the time but the eyelids are beginning to fuse - they will stay that way until I reach approximately 25 to 27 weeks. The external genitalia are beginning to be able to show our baby's gender and both the external ears and upper lip are completely formed now. In addition, our baby is breathing, "breathing" amniotic fluid.

For me, it's been pretty much the same as the last few weeks. Mostly just some abdominal achy-stretchy feelings. Still no morning sickness!!! So far, this pregnancy has been very similar to my pregnancy with Natalie. With working and taking care of an almost 1 year old, I haven't gotten that much time to use my prenatal work-out DVDs. I'm hoping to get more into exercising soon! I do manage to get a few walks with Natalie during the week though.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have a tiny little bump! How cute!
