Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 39

With Darling Daughter:

With Natalie:
My last belly photo! My c-section is scheduled for two days from now. I can't believe we're going to meet our little girl so soon. This pregnancy went by so quickly. We're really excited to get to bring her home so soon. It will be so fun to see her and Natalie interact. I'm also looking forward to being done being pregnant.

I had my 39 week appointment yesterday. Originally it was scheduled for today but I have been feeling so sick since last Wednesday that I wanted to get into see someone soon so I could start to feel better soon. I have an upper respiratory infection that Dr. Anya gave me an antibiotic for. Hopefully I'm feeling better by Thursday before my c-section. Our little girl's heartbeat sounded good on the Doppler and I'm still measuring on track. I didn't bother to have her check my progress because she's breech so the c-section is my only option at this point.

I started maternity leave today. I figured if I got this far without going into labor having a few days off before my scheduled c-section would be helpful for getting a few last minute items taken care of and spending some extra time with Natalie. Plus, I have my pre-test appointment at Rex tomorrow afternoon anyways. It was nice being able to sleep in a little bit more and to take a nap.

Our baby is about 21.5 inches long from head to toe and weighs a little more than 7 pounds. Toenails and fingernails have grown to tips of toes and fingers. Muscles of our baby's arms and legs are strong, and she's practicing lung movements.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny, I also compare my belly pics. Your DD will be here soon. I am still NOT ready.
