Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 15

With Darling Child #2:

With Natalie:
There hasn't been much of a change for me this week on how I'm feeling. I'm still tired although I think it's starting to get better. I'm starting to notice some tingly feelings in my abdomen -- it may be the baby I'm feeling. It's mostly to the left of my belly button. We'll see how things progress by next week before I'll say for sure. :)

Our baby's bones are getting harder each day. His/her skin is very thin and transparent; you can see blood vessels through the skin. Lanugo, a very fine hair, covers the body and will continue growing on our baby until around the week 26. Our baby will be about the 4 1/3 to 4 2/3 inches by the end of this week. Between this week and week 17, our baby will have grown from about the size of a softball to the size of my hand stretched out.

My next appointment is this Thursday with Dr. Anderson. I'm looking forward to hearing our baby's heartbeat on the Doppler again. Natalie will be going with me to this appointment. :)

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