Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's a...

Girl!! Natalie's is going to have a little sister! We're very excited. I think it will be wonderful having two girls close in age. Unfortunately, we can't re-use much of Natalie's clothes given they're different seasons (Natalie's newborn short-sleeve jumpers just aren't going to work in December) but that just means I get to pick out more cute outfits!

I had my "big ultrasound" this past Wednesday. We waited till today to show the photos because we wanted to tell our parents first. Emile's parents were traveling this week so we waited till they got home today. We told both sets of our parents that we were having a girl by having Natalie show them her new toy on the webcam -- a little baby girl doll! They loved it.

The doctor said everything looked great on the ultrasound. Everything is where it should be and measuring on-track. We were relieved. Here are some photos.

Thumbs up!

Hand and leg.

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