Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 23

With Darling Daughter #2:

With Natalie:
Sound sleep is a thing of the past. I'm now waking up a few times a night from both being uncomfortable and to pee. Of course, Natalie waking up and turning her Rainforest crib soother on hasn't helped. I'm definitely feeling the baby a lot more right now. A few times a day I can feel her kick and roll around. I think I may be starting to get Braxton Hicks contractions -- at least once or twice a day my belly starts tightening up, just like with Natalie (it started around week 25 with her). My c-section scar itches a lot lately also.

Our baby's pancreas is developing well and is even beginning to produce insulin. The bones in the little one's middle ear are hardening now. She weighs about a pound and is about 8 inches in length - she's the size of a small doll.

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