Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 11

My appetite has changed lately. I'm just not as nearly as hungry as I normally am. A lot of things don't sound appealing. I'm more repulsed by smells and the thought of certain food than I was with Natalie. Unlike last time, I actually haven't gained any weight yet even though my belly is starting to stick out. My uterus is already the size of a grapefruit and I'm pretty sure it's already moving up given how my belly feels. My c-section scar has been itching like crazy lately. I'm sure it's only going to get worse as time goes on and my belly starts really stretching. It probably doesn't help that I have a raised c-section scar (hypertrophic scar). I'm also still extremely tired all the time.

Our baby's organ systems are now functioning and s/he has a skeleton, nerves and blood circulation. Our baby's tiny feet are fully formed and shaped and could stand on an adult's fingernail. The most critical part of baby's development is now over, and the remainder of the pregnancy is about rapid growth, organ maturation and getting ready for delivery. Our baby's eyelids are fused now and the irises are developing. S/he will begin to get baby teeth, fingernails, toenails and hair follicles this week, too.

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