Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 9

I am now finally 9 weeks pregnant. Because Dr. Anya moved my EDD, it felt like it took forever to move onto the next week. Not much has been going on for me this week since my ultra sound. I still have the achy abdominal feelings on and off throughout the day and so far, no morning sickness (yay!). It's getting harder to suck in my belly (even though I'm only 9 weeks). I'm hoping to make it to at least 10 weeks before I pull out my maternity pants but it's definitely getting uncomfortable sitting in my jeans. Natalie has been sick today and yesterday, and I think I picked up what she has because I've been feeling pretty awful all afternoon and evening but this isn't really pregnancy-related. Hopefully we both start feeling better tomorrow.

I am still breastfeeding Natalie but will be starting to wean her in about 2 weeks. I had planned to wean around 12 months (I'm pretty excited that I made it to my goal!) and if all goes according to plan, she should be fully weaned by the middle of June (I'm planning to take a month to wean her from her four feedings). I was starting to feel sad about weaning because I enjoy the time together with Natalie but now that I'm starting to feel sore and tender from being pregnant, nursing has not been as comfortable. Plus, her top teeth don't help! But I'm very glad I was able to nurse her this long and we had this close bonding time together!

Our baby's cartilage and bones have begun to form. The basic structure of the eye is well underway and the tongue has begun to develop. The intestines start to move out of the umbilical cord and into the abdomen as our baby's body grows and makes room. His/her fingers and thumb have appeared but are short and webbed.

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