Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 13 -- 3 months

Today has been an interesting day -- a bit scary! I fainted in the shower this morning. Natalie had slept in so I thought I'd jump out of bed and get a shower in before she woke up. Well, I forgot I typically need to eat before taking a shower, especially when pregnant. I started to feel light headed so I sat on our tile seat in our stand-up shower. As I was asking Emile to get me something to eat, I fainted, slide off the tile seat while scraping my back along the seat and then hit my head. The next thing I know, Emile was tapping my face with me on the floor of the shower. Apparently I was out for about 15 seconds. It took me a while to feel ok with getting up off the floor -- I laid there eating crackers. I managed to get into the kitchen to have a bowl of cereal but unfortunately, about a half an hour after fainting, I threw everything up. I've been feeling queasy all day long.

I had Kinsey, our nanny, take me to my OB's office in the afternoon. Dr. Gaines checked my eyes to make sure I hadn't had a concussion. He also checked for the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler -- the first time I heard the heartbeat! Unfortunately, Emile wasn't there to hear it although we've seen it twice now. Everything is fine -- baby's fine, I'm fine. It was just a blood pressure issue with getting up from bed and into the shower too quickly and not eating anything beforehand -- pregnancy just makes it worse. Plus, apparently I have pretty low blood pressure to begin with so I need to make sure to drink a lot of fluids and not get up from things too quickly.

Dr. Gaines also commented on my c-section scar. He stated that if I have a c-section again, they'll remove the raised bump but in order to avoid it again (he stated it is a Keloid scar) that I would need to have steroids injected into my skin before the incision to avoid it forming again. Apparently, it's genetic and could form again.

I can't believe I'm starting my second trimester already. Time is flying by. Our baby is now the size of a peach, and has started to resemble a baby with well formed fingers and toes! Our baby's vocal cords have begun to develop, and more and more of the organs are functioning every day. All twenty baby teeth are formed beneath the gums. Our baby's bone marrow, liver and spleen have taken over the production of red blood cells. Although our baby's intestines were originally formed inside the umbilical cord, they are now moving into the abdomen. Fuzzy hair is beginning to form on our baby's head and is white (unpigmented) right now.


  1. SO glad everything checked out and that you were okay. We just forget sometimes. I sometimes cant believe how much I have forgotten from pg.

    I cant wait to relive it wih your journey ;)

  2. I'm glad that you are okay! And your little belly is looking so cute! :)
